Costumers' Voice

Bad Breath
“Nature’s Miracle Clay got rid of our son’s bad breath in a short time.” Note: As Nature's Miracle Clay is very absorbent, it will absorb toxins from undigested foods which can cause bad breath.
Bed Sores
Bites/Bee/Misquitoe Etc.
“We had a great experience with Nature’s Miracle Clay Cream on a MRSA wound. When my child came in from playing outdoors with about 10 bee bites, I tried one remedy after the other with no success. He was shrieking...
Bleeding Stop
Body Odor
“…unpleasant body odor left after using Colloidal Silver.” “I am so grateful that we discovered Nature’s Miracle Clay! We used it to heal my nine-year-old son’s psoriasis. It actually did help and we got rid of it after 3-4 months. It...
Breast Infection
“Nature’s Miracle Clay Cream saves me from the agony and discomfort of a breast infection. Whenever I feel it coming, I apply the clay cream and it disappears in no time. Make sure to apply over nipple as well.” “Even...
“My granddaughter got a burn on her hand that became infected. First responders advised us to take her to the emergency room right away. I knew about the miracles of Natures Miracle Clay Cream and covered the wound with a...
“…the problematic ulcer that I had on my foot for eleven years is almost gone. Your Natures Miracle Clay Cream helped me in just a few weeks!” 
Chapped Hands
Chicken Pox
“I gave my child Nature’s Miracle Clay to get rid of his chicken pox. It worked very well!” “I gave my child Immune Power and Colloidal Silver for a couple of days for chicken pox. Then I added Natures Miracle...
A girl with Crohn’s was improving while on Natures Miracle Clay. As an amazing, linked side effect, she grew one inch in two months. She had previously tried numerous remedies, but none had produced results. “My married son kept complaining...
“I was babysitting and the baby was colicky and screeching a lot. I used Natures Miracle Clay and sure enough it worked wonders! The baby was relaxed in no time.” 
“I started out with eight Constipation Care caps and with time, kept needing less and less. Now one cap is too much! I open a capsule and pour off from it because it is too much for me. This stuff...
In the past my daughter’s cough lingered on for so long. My friend introduced me to Cough N Cold. Wow this stuff is really effective. My child developed a persistent cough, it kept me up for nights. Then Cough N...
“After a round of antibiotics my child’s croup was not gone. It was Friday and I was in the mountains. I felt really lost. A friend of mine introduced me to Colloidal Silver. I had nothing to lose, so I...
Cut/Wound/Skin Irritation
"I have and Health food store and received a call from a customer saying that since she had stopped taking steroids, the skin on her face was so bad that she was embarrassed to step out of her house. I suggested she...
Diaper Rash
“I used Nature’s Miracle Clay Cream on my baby’s diaper rash. The results were amazingly quick and effective. Thank you!”
“…it came to a point where I hardly left my house. I used to get such sudden urges for the bathroom… I must have suffered from these IBS-like symptoms for about ten years by now… and like its name, the...
Ear Infection
“My child was screeching in pain from an ear infection. Instantly after I put Colloidal Silver drops in her ear, she stopped crying! What a help! Thank you, thank you!” “When my 16-month-old daughter stopped nursing, she got a double...