(Purim NONT)
· 1 ¼ lb. honey
· 1 ¼ lb. chopped walnuts, mixed nuts or peanuts
· 1 ½ tbsp lemon juice
· ½ cup sugar
· 3 tbsp ground flax or chia seeds
1. Lightly toast the nuts until slightly brown
2. Mix the sugar and honey in a pot on a low flame
3. Add the nuts, bring to a slight boil and mix until golden brown
4. Add the lemon juice and ground flax/chia and mix well
5. Pour over a parchment lined cookie sheet and spread evenly
6. Cut into squares, diamonds or whatever shape you prefer
7. Freeze, once frozen you can break it apart
8. Put parchment paper between each layer to keep from sticking together
9. Serve from the freezer